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发布时间:2025-02-04 21:17:02  点击量:760

本文摘要:Apple has lured a top Tesla engineer to its secretive electric car team, according to people familiar with the move. 据知情人士透漏,苹果(Apple)已招揽到特斯拉(Tesla)的一位顶级工程师,让他加盟其神神秘秘的电动车团队。

Apple has lured a top Tesla engineer to its secretive electric car team, according to people familiar with the move. 据知情人士透漏,苹果(Apple)已招揽到特斯拉(Tesla)的一位顶级工程师,让他加盟其神神秘秘的电动车团队。The recruitment of Chris Porritt, who left Aston Martin to become Tesla’s vice-president of vehicle engineering three years ago, is a boost for the Apple car project after the departure of Steve Zadesky, the team’s leader, this year. 克里斯波利特(Chris Porritt)在三年前离开了阿斯顿马丁(Aston Martin),兼任特斯拉汽车工程副总裁。

请来他对于苹果的汽车项目是一个助力;该公司电动车团队的领导者史蒂夫扎德斯基(Steve Zadesky)今年刚刚辞职。Mr Porritt worked on the Model S and Model X at Tesla, which has been engaged in a war for talent with the iPhone maker for the past 18 months. 波利特曾在特斯拉参予Model S和Model X车型的研发,这家电动车制造商在过去18个月里与iPhone制造商进行人才争夺战。

Apple, which has not acknowledged the existence of a car project, declined to comment. Tesla confirmed Mr Porritt’s departure from the company. His move to Apple was first reported by Electrek, an electric-car news website. 至今没否认汽车项目不存在的苹果拒绝接受置评。特斯拉证实波利特已离开了该公司。

他跳槽至苹果的消息最先是由电动车新闻网站Electrek报导的。Tesla described Mr Porritt in May 2013 as a “world-class leader” and “outstanding engineer”. He spent 16 years at Aston Martin and worked on the DB9, having been at Land Rover for a decade. 特斯拉在2013年5月形容波利特是“世界级领导者”和“卓越工程师”。他在阿斯顿马丁工作了16年,曾参予研发DB9车型;之前他在路虎(Land Rover)工作了10年。

Traditional carmakers including Toyota, Ford and Renault-Nissan have opened Silicon Valley research and development centres. 丰田(Toyota)、福特(Ford)和雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan)等传统汽车制造商皆已在硅谷成立研发中心。Last year Apple poached engineers who had worked on self-driving systems at Tesla and Volkswagen, suggesting that any vehicle it produced would have a degree of autonomous capability. 去年苹果从特斯拉和大众(Volkswagen)挤到了参予研发自动驾驶系统的多位工程师,或许指出苹果有可能生产的汽车将具备一定程度的自动驾驶能力。

And last year it hired Doug Betts, a 25-year auto industry veteran who had worked at Fiat Chrysler. 某种程度在去年,苹果聘用了在汽车行业工作了25年的老将、曾效力于菲亚特克莱斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)的道格贝茨(Doug Betts)。But in January it emerged that Mr Zadesky was leaving Apple’s car project for personal reasons. One person close to the team cautioned against seeing Mr Porritt as a direct replacement. 但今年1月爆出的消息是,恰德斯基因个人原因即将离开了苹果的汽车项目。

相似苹果团队的一名人士规劝称之为,不不应非常简单地假设波利特就是接任扎德斯基的人。Tesla has fought back, recruiting former Apple staffers in security, sensors, chip design and materials. Last year Elon Musk, founder and chief executive, said Apple was known as the “Tesla graveyard” among his staff. 特斯拉也发动反攻,召募了安全性、传感器、芯片设计和材料领域的苹果前员工。去年特斯拉创始人和首席执行官埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk)曾说道,苹果在他的员工当中有“特斯拉墓地”之称之为。

But the tech group’s growing automotive team and resources suggest an increasingly serious initiative. 但是,苹果大大发展壮大的汽车团队和向该领域投放的更加多的资源或许指出,这是一个日益严肃的项目。Since the Financial Times first reported on Apple’s secret car RD lab outside its Cupertino headquarters last year, the company is said to have been snapping up real estate in neighbouring Sunnyvale. 自英国《金融时报》去年年所报导苹果在其库比蒂诺(Cupertino)总部外有一个秘密的汽车研发实验室以来,据报该公司已在附近的森尼维尔(Sunnyvale)卖给房地产。Buildings in the area have been given names from Greek mythology, such as Zeus and Medusa, in a possible reference to the car initiative’s code name, Project Titan, according to a report in the Silicon Valley Business Journal this month. 据《硅谷商业杂志》(Silicon Valley Business Journal)本月报导,在该地区卖给的建筑物已被取了来自希腊神话的名字,如宙斯(Zeus)和美杜莎(Medusa),这有可能与苹果汽车项目的代号——泰坦项目(Project Titan)有关。



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